
We Will Win the Battle Against the Unfair Mind

There is a dual nature to our efforts. First is our personal victory over those who seek to control or defeat us. In order to win our struggle, we must have the winning purpose or reason for our struggle, and it is the reason that we should win. It is the reason that we should win. Those who do not have this justification for their victory over others are at a disadvantage. We are justified in our victory over unfair mind.

Our way is to invite the unfair mind to join us in our victory over those that do us wrong. Their lower powered alliance can join our higher-powered alliance. They – like us – will surrender to win and to join the winning side.

I finally found a way to stop my judgmental, criticizing, harmful mind. I see everyone as equal and good. Everyone is good just as they are. I care about everyone and want everyone to succeed and be happy. I don’t care about what they do or what they have done, their appearance, their gender or their age. I invite you to try this method. We are all good.