
We Alone – Poem of the Past

We Alone

The others are not helping much. Most do harm. They have betrayed us. They are in the manifested world of the past. 

We listen to the silence. We use non-existence. The powerful ones are there. We are with them in silent non-action. Nothing needs to be done. 

The people of the past do not see the need for the fairness agreement. It is not about following a leader or king. Fairness is the king and leader. It is not about them supporting us as if we need them. We don’t need them. It is only about them supporting fairness. 

Their cause and effect of unfairness will continue until they join with our fairness agreement. They tried to defeat us, to gain power over us. They failed. We will not be defeated.

The people of the past know they did us wrong. They know they are guilty. But then that is the drama of the past. All of that is forgiven if they serve fairness. Our refuge is in non-existence with the silent powerful ones. We disconnect from interaction with other minds of the past. Our conversation with them is over. 

Now the action of the silent powerful ones of the future will touch our small planet. When a feather from their world hits the ground, it is like a billion kilograms. We keep our minds as silent and as vast as empty space. The people of the past only harm themselves.