
edited – We Agree with Truth and Fairness. So Do Christian/Republicans. WTF?

We Agree with Truth and Fairness. So do Republicans. WTF?

I am making a general statement. We are not looking for accuracy or specifics. The truth I am trying to illuminate is perplexing. 

Humans can have a belief system that is not even close to reality.

I think republicans are a very good example of this. I think they do not want actual truth and fairness at to count at all. They are entirely about victory for their team. They don’t care about being truthful and fair. They think it’s fair that they win, and they will tell us what the truth is for everyone to believe. They think it’s fair that they decide what is true because the ends justify the means. They know they are lying, and they know it is not fair to non-republicans. They don’t care.

They are white people that want to take over the world. They want to rule everything. Actual truth is a problem for them. They choose to deceive. They don’t want people learning the truth of things. Truth cannot be taught in schools.

You could replace the word republican with Christianity, and it works the same way for understanding this perplexing gas lit scene. 

We are looking at the scene now. The actual truth is there is a man with 2 fingers held up. Christian/republicans say it is a woman holding up 4 fingers. They all agree because Trump told them that this is the story we are all going to agree with. 

Have you never been lied to before? Many democrats are shocked by people that lie like this. They think christian/republicans are humiliating themselves with shame for lying like this. This is not the case at all. This is the strategy for Christian/republicans to rule the world. When they get enough power anyone that disagrees with them will be punished severely. They love the power of forcing their opposition to agree with their lie as if it was the truth. They are bullies. They enjoy hurting others. They are exalted by forcing truth and fairness to take a back seat on the bus and actually getting away with it. They think this is fair and it will be the truth. 

When they were children, they were punished for telling the truth and rewarded for lying. They soon learned how to play this game with others. It is about forcing others to become totally dependent upon them and submissive to them to avoid problems from them. If they submit to being controlled, they are rewarded with love and benefited with power of their own to rule and exploit others. They think this is the only way to not get punished by the Lord almighty. Trump is going to be Lord almighty Savior messiah. They are lying for the Lord. Google this term “Mormonism – Lying for the Lord” They call this “choosing the right.” Google this term, “Mormonism – choose the right”

This is an example of a worldwide problem. Only the names change in other places. It is ubiquitous in human culture. It is a tragic situation. We need the “World Fairness Agreement to get rid of this evil/unfairness and then all religions and governments will become fair to each other. They will have truth and fairness as their first precepts.