
USA is Incapable of Justice

Why is the USA unable to prosecute crimes of the wealthy? I feel frustration even approaching this question? Most people would not even want to think about it. If we ignore it, maybe it will go away. Sadly, the reality is that it will most likely get worse unless something is done. 

Are the people in the judicial system of laws going to do it? Of course not, they are the problem. They are the ones that are failing us. Because of them our nation is a joke. It is the money that they seek that has corrupted them. Money is their master. 

This is why we need to use an entirely  different system. This is why we need a law against unfairness. It need not even be written down. It will have one purpose. Its only purpose will be to stop the unfairness. Unfairness is injustice. It will truly be about creating justice for all and that is all it will be about. This system of fairness will be about all the people united to stop all the unfairness. This will unify all the people for this purpose.