
Edit – Trump Was Right and We Need to Talk About God’s Will.

This is a correction edit. Trump said on an interview on Glenn Beck’s program that we need to be in a room and tell them “things they do not want to hear.” This I agree with, and we need to use the 1-minute method when we tell them. Then we need to listen to the things we don’t want to hear for 1 minute with no interruptions. Link to video below

Trump was right when he said we need to sit down and talk about difficult things to end the war. If Trump supports the World Fairness Agreement I will vote for him. If we make it happen on schedule Trump won’t go to Jail. Putin won’t be tried for war crimes. The problem with China will be resolved. These powerful people should help us make it happen. 

Victory is granted to us after we stop doing others wrong. It’s hypocrisy to want others to not do you wrong if you’re doing other people wrong. I don’t know of anyone that’s bigger than all the problems they have. After all, we all get sick and die someday. 

We have to ask for help. You can call it God. You can call it servants of God. You can call it servants of the all powerful all. You can call it ET. You can call it higher power or higher self. Whatever it is we serve it and it serves us. 

We don’t qualify for help if we’re still being unfair to others. If we’ve stopped doing wrong to others, we are worthy and we qualify for help from the all powerful. We are helping others and others are helping us. 

There is that which has all power. We know that for a fact. All that is has all power because it is all that is. Is it all knowing and did it create us intentionally by design, or was there no mind originally and creation happened by chance? Did mind happen from no mind? Either way works the same as far as I can see. We either serve the all powerful God or we serve the all powerful all. Atheist or believer makes no difference to me and it should not make any difference to any one else. Unfair beliefs result in war. This is the message from God – we need to rid ourselves of unfair beliefs. It is God’s will that we have fairness for all and fairness from all. We are all equal to God. 

If there is an all powerful God it certainly does not tell us what to do or what to believe. How can anyone correctly claim that their religion has the right beliefs about the all powerful God?  

We need to sit down and use the 1 minute method to reach an agreement on religion. The other side will let us know if something is unfair. All sides will be listened to with no interruptions. 

No one should tell anyone else what God wants for them as if God wants someone to burn in hell for being in the wrong religion and having the wrong morality. According to who? 

At the 8:37 mark Trump says – we need to get people in a room and knock head, we have to get it done. I suggest the head knocking be the 1 minute method of argument and not baseball bats to Glenn’s head from behind. Glenn is a rebel rouser for Jesus. LOL