
This is an Instruction on How to Get Even with People That Do You Wrong.

This is an instruction on how to deal with situations where people do you wrong. If you were to become angry there would still be nothing you can do about it. The people doing you wrong think they have power over you. They want you to surrender to them. They will surrender to us instead.

It’s a very simple thing to learn. 1st you agree that you’re going to be fair to everyone. This qualifies you to get help from reality. Reality does not want evil to defeat good, reality wants good to defeat evil.

The 2nd step is to give the problem to the higher power in reality that will punish the people that are doing you wrong. This is your only action.

This is simply cause and effect or it can be called karmic retribution. Your action to give the problem to a higher power, asking to have them punished is the cause that you bring into reality. Reality doesn’t respond like this for you unless you ask it too. You are the one that makes the first cause in the chain of events that punish the ones doing you wrong. You have the power to make this happen because you have help.

Your mind has changed so that you are standing up for yourself without them even knowing it. The knowledge that this works is a wonderful thing. Nobody will be able to defeat you. You can stand up to anyone that is doing you wrong knowing that reality will stand with you to punish them.

You can forget about the issue for now and walk away from the situation or stay there in a relaxed state knowing that they’re going to get some very bad luck. I have seen cars run off the road. I have seen people get in wrecks or have heart attacks or strokes.

There are countless ways that wrong doers can be punished severely. It is not you doing the punishing and they cannot blame you. We just want everyone to be fair to each other.

When they agree to be fair then forgive them. This forgiveness after they become fair is required or it won’t work. We only seek to protect ourselves. Fairness changes enemies into friends. We may even be able to teach them how we do this so they can protect themselves too.

Our unconscious minds know all this and the offenders cannot avoid responding to our new insight. They know they have a way to change their bad luck to good luck by becoming fair to everyone too.

This is a war between good and evil. The Fairness of the all-powerful all wants evil defeated. Join us we are fair and we serve the all powerful all. We are the winning side.