
The Evil Ones Within Our Minds

Last night I met with some people for a common purpose, but these evil ones were there hidden in our minds. Many of the people have become puppets to the evil puppet masters within. They Communicate telepathically to me and they threaten, shame, humiliate, degrade and attempt to defeat me. They told me I was dead. They told me I was going to be killed. They told me they do not want me around.

I have defeated Satan. Satan is real or imagined. I am mostly anti religion. I see religion as more harmful than helpful. However, it is not wise to throw out what is valuable to get rid of the evil in something. It is best to simply defeat the evil. Hence, I am the destroyer of the evil Gods, Satan being one of them.

I am being told I am the King of the universe. Who would decree that I am the King of the universe? Who would have such authority or power to decide such a thing. Perhaps we will find out if there is anything to it?Perhaps it is imagination from my own mind or the mind of others?

Also, I am being supported by something that communicates with me telepathically. A week or so ago I stated that I would like aliens to take all the unfair people off of our planet never to return. The next day I saw an article that there might be a large mother ship somewhere nearby sending small probes to interact with earth.

I am committed to be as fair to everyone as I can. My imaginary thoughts have a tendency to become real. Perhaps the mother ship makes my thoughts become real if it wants to. Who knows maybe they will start torturing unfair people. Maybe they show up and call me their King.

I was told they purposely put humans in fear of them. I want them to abduct terrify everyone that’s unfair.

Stop being unfair to me!