
The economy after The World Fairness Agreement

The economy after The World fairness Agreement

We have the idea of net worth.  It is assets and liabilities. 

A thought experiment

Inflation in a world where everyone had a very large net worth. People would only purchase things that are helpful to the future and nothing that is harmful. Low demand would end inflation. People would not harm the earth. The things we need do not cost too much and so our net worth would increase from our fair amount of income. We would have a large income. Our net worth would continue to increase because we spend a small amount of our net worth. 

Billionaires would purchase mass transit or other helpful things that do not harm the earth. They would want to be fair and help the earth and the people. The government would manage and organize things that need to be done much like the management in a helpful corporation. 

Everyone would cooperate. The wealth would redistribute on its own to everyone to create fairness for everyone. A good future is more valuable than having billions of dollars net worth. We would no longer have inefficient, hateful competition. The goal of everyone would be a good future for all where we no longer have wars, corruption, poverty and hatred from unfairness.

There would be no poverty from unfairness. The hatred that causes our social problems would be a thing of the past. All unfairness would be banned. 

We would only work a few short days a week. Our time would be spent on things we want to do. People would enjoy talking again.