
Religious Groups that are unfair will be disciplined by my Higher Power.

Fair people need to win and unfair people need to lose so that they too become fair people. When everyone is fair we all win in a way that has never happened with humans before. 

This is not about me personally. It is not about me winning. It is not about my defects or limitations or age or anything else. I must lose everyday to accept being fair to everyone. Everyone must lose everyday and accept fairness for everyone. Our ego doesn’t like this idea. 

Fair people must unite and demand fairness from everyone. Violence Makes Things worse. We only need to unite all the people and demand fairness from everyone. This is all we need to do. This is the only way to stop unfairness.

I think it is required that humans surrender totally to the All Powerful all so that we are not in the argument. Then we ask servants of the all powerful all to discipline all unfair people. We can enjoy knowing that this is actually happening. I suggest testing this idea to see if it works to make a better day for you and to find out for yourself that there are beings here with us that we cannot see that have great power. 

If you call this God, make sure that your God is fair to everyone including atheists. I am an atheist. Maybe there is an intelligent designer that created everything but I don’t think so. This is not important either way. I can accept the actual truth easily. Maybe I am wrong. Can people in religions say they might be wrong too? Many religions are very unfair.