
No God Trancends the All-powerful All.

The Loophole of the Transcendent is no longer beyond reproach. Jordan Peterson uses this loophole as do most apologists. It is something beyond so it cannot be criticized. That is very unfair. We need to criticize the transcendent god idea. The transcendent is not beyond the all-powerful all. Nothing is outside of everything. Nothing transcends the all. There is no God outside of the set that includes everything. We can transcend our own limitations, but this does not mean God is transcendent. There is an ultimate limit, and it is that which is all.  

They claim their God is beyond reality. That which is beyond reality does not exist.

All of the religions exist in the here and now. All of them are finite; they exist in scriptures and in the minds of the people in the religions. There are a specific number of people having those beliefs. There are a specific number of scriptures about those religions. Some of the scriptures are very harmful to others. They do not transcend anything. They are knowable.

The “all” may be unknowable in some ways. It is there to discover but we don’t know it yet. We may never know everything. Everything is not beyond everything. It is itself. There is one self that is everything. There is not anything beyond everything. There is not anything beyond this one self. This one self is what everyone and everything is.

The idea of a transcendent God is absurd. God is transcendent of what? Can God be beyond God? Where is the logos in this? This is not reasonable. It is not logical. It is absurd and it is harmful. It causes terrible suffering to humanity.