
Spiritual Awakening and Happiness

Experience Happiness with Karmic Universal Fairness

A Practical Down to Earth Purposeful Spiritual Awakening.

Karma is simply cause and effect. Practicing this method results in Universal consciousness, happiness, your life’s purpose happening, freedom from self-caused suffering and it results in experiencing and realizing supreme truth. Practicing this method is the cause of happy future events. Without an awakened mind we create unhappy problems.

We use a collective of spiritual insights and techniques that have already been established as useful. First, agree to be fair to everyone so you qualify for help from Universal Fairness.

To get started, breathe calmly with no thoughts for 1 minute. Look at a specific point or object. Close or open your eyes as you wish. Surrender all you are to Universal Fairness. Give all your thoughts and feelings. Do not think. If you like, continue this for as long as you want after the first minute is past and at any time you wish to repeat this meditation. 

Think of all the problems you have and surrender them all to be resolved by an unseen servant of universal fairness. The issues of unfairness that you can remedy yourself will help. Do what can be done. The issues that cannot be remedied on your own will be turned over to universal fairness. We don’t know for sure if we are being unfair too. Make a habit of turning troubling issues over, to be resolved by something other than yourself. Feel the happiness in knowing that you are getting help to teach unfair people a lesson that they caused with their karma and you are getting help to stop your own unfairness.

Practice mindful meditation with your daily tasks. Focus on the task you’re doing and think of nothing else. Just stop thinking while doing the task. If the task involves things that require thinking, think of nothing else. Notice your breathing as you do this. Intentionally relax as you do this practice. Do this as often and as long as you like. One of the main causes of unhappiness is too much thinking. We give all our problems to Universal Fairness. 

Practice equanimity. This is to completely accept everything that we experience as being of equal value. Stop trying to be somewhere else. Use the serenity prayer of Alcoholics Anonymous: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. God can be Universal Fairness if you’re an atheist. Sometimes difficult experiences help us greatly.

Practice not fighting against anything. Universal Fairness will do the fighting for you. Avoid anger and stay helpful to the ones doing you wrong. Ask for intuitive knowledge on what to do. Notice how there is some unseen cause of events. There is an unseen intelligence behind all the events that take place. We might be surprised to learn what it is.