
Evil is not Just in Republicans

The fascist, bullying mind is alive and well in Democrats. There is a strange unspoken alliance of tyranny that seeks to control everyone. One of the common beliefs of both right and left is the Bible. Both sides believe outsiders are the enemy of their God. They only differ on what that God is. It is like 2 Christian religions slandering and fighting each other.

Evil is not just in Christianity. The same evil is in Islam and other alliances that seek to rule all.

The are all unfair to the outsiders. They claim the outsiders are evil and wrong, but the evidence is against them. Any alliance that is unfair is hypocritical to be against others for unfairness. Perhaps they are only trying to be in control of others. They often try to silence the outsiders with threats of violence or punishment. They even use death threats or threats of eternal hell. The only fair thing to fight for is fairness. Fighting against fairness is unfair.