
edit #6 – By Decree of the King of the Universe – Real or Imagined

The Key to Our Success

is to help everyone not just someone.

By Decree of the King of the Universe, everyone that is unfair will be punished until they agree to be fair to everyone. If they agree to be fair, they are not prosecuted or punished. They are forgiven and honored and protected from unfairness.

When someone does us wrong, we ask for something to teach them a lesson. What is it that teaches them a lesson? It is something that can’t be seen, it can’t be heard, and it can’t be known.

I agree to be fair too. By this rule if I am unfair to anyone I will be punished until I agree to be fair also. Therefore, I instantly agree to be fair to you.

As Humans we make mistakes because we lack power. Give the problems you and others cause you to the King of the universe to solve it. The King will not allow them to be unfair to you. The King is most likely imaginary.

We do not want to punish anyone. We only want everyone to stop doing us wrong. We will have a new earth. The kingdom will be on earth. This is not about any specific religion or God or whether there is a God. Choose your own source of power.

When something is harming us or doing us wrong, and we don’t have enough power to stop the problem. We need to find a source of power to stop the problem that’s happening to us.  If you had a friend that was 100 times more powerful than this problem that wants to help you then you would not even be troubled by this. This can actually the case.

Our problem is that other people are doing us wrong. It is obvious we must stop doing other people wrong or we won’t qualify for this help. 

I dreamed Planet earth is being honored and given special assistance because of this agreement to be fair. Finally, the unfairness and the hatred that it creates will be a thing of the past.