
God’s Will – Possibly

A Possible God’s Will

If there is a God that has will and that has all power, perhaps the possible God’s will is that Trump goes to Prison and The lying Gop is utterly defeated. Perhaps it is the possible God’s will that the unfair scriptures are rejected by people worldly wide.  

Hitler and the Nazis used a scripture from the Bhagavad Gita (Hindu) that says we don’t ever really kill, and we’re not ever really killed by anyone. It says to just be a warrior for God. Some of the Nazis saw Hitler as the God that they were in the war for. Also people have used the scriptures in the Bible to wage war and to kill other people.

Maybe there is no God and all of this is simply randomness (natural disasters) and cause and effect of misguided people. Humans are not helped by – war upon and destroy others – scriptures. Which God is the real God if any? 

I intend on stopping my own unfairness.