
Who or What Controls Us?


You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours.

Humans must be controlled by their own fairness or fairness must be imposed upon them. If fairness is not in control, then unfairness will be. Those who don’t support fairness deserve an unfair control over them.

There are groups of people wanting unfair control over fair people. These are the control cults. 

There are God threats and/or government threats upon the people. This is the actual law of the land. Religions and governments must be in support of fairness and must be working to stop all unfairness. 

The actual struggle between good and evil is the struggle between fairness and unfairness. In order for good to defeat evil fairness must defeat unfairness. Good is fairness and evil is unfairness. 

We must establish fairness as the societal standard for social control if we want to have a pleasant life experience.