
We Need a Law Against Unfairness – Holocaust Deniers Should be Charged.


You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours.

This is the first post on this topic and more will follow.

We need a law against unfairness. When a politician claims they won an election that they actually lost they should be charged with unfairness. Flexible fine and/or jail time. Fine is based on net worth. 

Lies that harm people are unfair. Telling the truth about unfair people is fair. Being unfair is against this law. 

Holocaust denying is unfair and they should be charged with unfairness. Everyone should be protected from unfairness.

QAnon’s claims have no evidence to them. Their claims are slanderous to Liberals. Our Judicial system does not prosecute unfairness. This needs to change.

Claims are being made by Right Wing Conservative White Christian Nationalists that are slanderous to liberals and progressive democrats. Our Judicial system does not prosecute unfairness.

I had a judge tell me the court system is not designed to find truth it is designed to prosecute. It is obvious our judicial system is unconcerned with unfairness. They should be prosecuted.

We will be in a violent revolt or civil war if unfairness is not prosecuted. We need a law against unfairness to stop this betrayal of truth.

The Government will not do anything to stop unfairness unless the people force unite and demand it.