
We Are Created Equal

We are all created equal is the famous idea written by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. We all have the same rights. We also have the same responsibility to be fair to everyone. When one person is unfair to another there is anger and hatred. When one group of people is unfair to another group of people there is anger and hatred. All tribes must be fair to all tribes or there is anger and hatred. Selfish Republicans are trying to dominate the rest of us. They want more than the rest of us. They want to be able to get away with unfairness. This type of self-entitlement is not just in the republicans. It is in all of us, and we are responsible to not be that way to others. We all need to get along with each other. No group of people should have special right over another group of people.

It is only by being fair that we have the right to complain about the unfairness of another. Fair people must join together to stop unfairness, or our way of life is threatened. It is silly for people to complain about the unfairness of the government when they are not being fair themselves. It is silly for one group of people to complain about the unfairness of another when they are unfair themselves. So, who is being unfair? When someone is being unfair, we have problems. Who is refusing to be fair? Look at where unfairness is to solve the problem. To solve the problem, stop the unfairness.