
There will Never Be Peace Because of Unfair God Claims

We have all heard that religion is the main cause of war. There is truth that religion is a major part of the war problem. It is not fair telling people they must surrender to your alleged all-powerful God that you claim created us and has power over us. Many of us do not believe such a God exists. It is not fair that your religion is trying to take over the world. Which God is it that you claim has all power? Is it Allah? Is it Jesus? Is it Jehovah? Is it absurd?

I believe there is a higher power that can help us. It may be simply that we change our unfair thoughts to fair thoughts that make the divine mind real. I may be wrong. I do not say you must believe this. Why do some tell me I must believe their beliefs? They are clearly doing us wrong. It is immoral for them to do this to us.

There may be an all-powerful all-knowing God that created all of us. I see no evidence of this idea. Am I to believe the Muslims or what? Am I to believe that this God wants me to burn in hell because I am an atheist since therein no evidence of an all-powerful God that humans cannot even agree on what it wants of us, and which religion is the one that it supports. Like I said before. This religion stuff is absurd. Change the religions so they are not an absurdity.