
The Tough Love of the Way of Fairness – the alien camera.

To those who agree to be fair and who want to help us bring about the world fairness agreement: We will do everything we can to stop anyone anywhere from doing you wrong. 

To those who do not agree to be fair and help us bring about the world fairness agreement: We will not stop others from doing you wrong. You will be on your own without our help. We will let anyone that wants to do you wrong. 

We care about everyone, and everyone is accepted just as they are. This is why we want everyone to join the way of fairness idea. This is tough love. People that won’t agree to be fair to others are harming themselves and they need to realize it.

Oh, we have the extraterrestrials camera now. Fair people have it. Unfair people lost it. I am not sure what this is about yet. Stay tuned.