
Temple Secrets Rewrite

Temple Secrets

I grew up in The Mormon religion. It was after I stopped believing it was truth that I gave the dogma of temple secrecy a great deal of thought. Is it a great deal? Maybe so, but it caused me a great deal of suffering because I was imagining horrible evil things being kept secret – not just in the church. I was imagining child abuse issues and Satanic ritual Issues.

I do not know all the truth and I do not think anyone else does either. Maybe ET knows or God, if you believe in an all-knowing God.

Not to worry. I am just trying to cut a deal with the Mormon Church and the rest of the world to get some power and interest for The Way of Fairness. I hope Jesus and Satan approves if they exist? can’t we all get along?

Hey, I know there are horrible things that can happen to us and our families. What kind of deal do you think I am trying to cut – such violent talk. You already know the deal. It is none other than the World Fairness Agreement.

Can you read the writing on the wall yet? Can you dig it? I think we have it covered. Need I say more? Shhh! Do you want to be ratted on? I think you better join the way of fairness. Did you catch my drift? We won’t talk about this. It will all be secret if we get the World Fairness Agreement to happen.

Give this document to your favorite policeman to see if it is cop approved. No one is above being ratted on or protected as the case may be. I am driving a hard bargain am I not? It has teeth. WE WANT FAIRNESS NOW. Most policemen agree. The others can be persuaded just like the others.

When the Mormon church began, they had an oath to keep Temple Secrets secret or have your guts cut out. Later they toned it down.

Is it worth granting forgiveness and mercy to people hiding secrets in order to stop the problem at its source?