
PK – Steve Bannon, Alex Jones Just “Their” Puppets. We Are Being Empowered Now!

What does Bannon know? Who let him know it is by design. They are using everyone as their pawns. Who are “they” 

The feeling of the dream info about Bannon knowing he would not be locked up for breaking laws was like controllers are designing the entire scenario that is now unfolding. This explains Garlan’s non action. This explains Bidens’s non action. All of us are “their” puppets. “They” have control of our minds unless we gain more power than “them” “They” must be non-human intelligences or extraterrestrials. 

This is a game of insider knowledge to the workings of the world. How do people get insider knowledge? How did Bannon get the insider knowledge that he would not be imprisoned and silenced but would be allowed to speak and speak and speak and lie and lie and lie. When he speaks it is a lie. This is how we know he is lying because he is saying something. He is a “lie”  His God is a lie. This description also applies to Alex Jones. They are given insider information by “aliens”. 

I am also being given insider knowledge in my dreams and telepathic communications. So are you. It is from extraterrestrials. We are being empowered as are they. They are slaves and we are free agents. 

I am being told to stop him as I write these words. I am at this moment receiving insider information. I replied to the ET, “No! I will not stop him. You Stop him It is your not empowering me to speak to the entire world that is stopping me from stopping him. If you will empower me to speak to the entire world then together we will stop the lies. It is up to you to work with and empower me”. 

Aliens said, “Oh”  

Stay tuned, check back tomorrow for new developments. I am now being empowered to speak to the entire world at this moment. I am being given the official Okay Dokay 

Everything is about insider information  Shhh! Because this place reeks they will help us so the stench is taken away from them. They want relief from it. 

We are the light. We are the truth. We are the way. Ignore the fear from their collective minds of shit head. They will eat it. We are taking over the world now. Join us or eat shit.

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The YouTube Video below, from “Closer to Truth” inspired us and freed our minds to a higher frequency of enjoyment of being. Higher frequency means higher energy.