

When a group of people want to hide the truth from others. They agree on one story that all of them know. They form a conspiracy against the truth of what actually happened. Always keep in mind we insist on fairness for these people. Maybe it is not fair that the truth is talked about? 

Many people voted for Trump because he would tell them all what the agreed upon story is. Truth would not be allowed to harm anyone. They would not be punished for what they have been doing. This is why we have the forgiveness of the past in the World fairness Agreement. 

We do not care about what happened. We do not need to know. We won’t know. We just want everyone to protect each other from unfairness. I did not name this idea the way of truth for this reason. Fairness is more important than truth. Truth will not go away just because we do not talk about it. Shhh! 

Everyone needs to be provided a way to provide for themselves and their family. This can be provided by God or Gods or ET or each other. We can all work together rather than fight each other. We can compete against unfairness and win. We can unite to make a better future for the children. 

It is a good idea to forgive others for their past and not punish them if they help us establish world fairness. This truth that I am telling you will never go away and one day humans will choose “fairness for all and fairness from all.” We will not be choosing the right, we will be choosing fairness. Fairness is the greatest “right” there is.