
PK Temper Tantrum Earthquake

At the time of me being gang stalked at the AA meeting the earthquake was destroying a city in Turkey. I am wondering about a correlation to me being gang stalked and disasters happening that demonstrate my PK ability. This has been going on for years with me. The anecdotal earthquake hit Turkey. The message I convey is this: Do not make me angry ever again by doing me wrong. I was sharing to the group that is exact moment in time how my Higher Power will punish those that are doing me wrong. I was hearing telepathic messages that that meeting will be kicked out of that building because of their gang stalking me. AA was being held responsible for the harm done to me. Christianity being forced on people was one the issues of the meeting. What will happen next because of others doing me wrong? Perhaps great destruction and death of many humans?

This PK issue is connected to Jeffery Mishlove and his work with Ted Ownes from beyond the grave. I had a dream of Putin basking in the warmth. I am wondering the warmth is from nuclear war? Mishlove is hoping the ET power will stop nuclear warfare. ET may not stop it because of human abuse toward me as I described in the previous post about AA and others doing me wrong everywhere I go.

My issue with Mishlove is about not fighting against evil as is directed by Christianity and others worldwide. So, religion is a major area of wrongdoing done to me. Mishlove is Jewish. The Tora is abusive toward me as is the Quran and Christianity.

A few weeks ago, Iwas accused of starting a war by a Zen Master during a zoom meeting I had suggested taking a stand against unfairness when he became upset with me personally. Buddhism directs to not fight evil also.

The Big book of AAA says we ceased fightint everythuing and everyone. As they were reading that from the Big Book of AA I was not including myself in that way of thought. I was asking thise in agrrement with that thought “How is that working for you”

I ask you now, “Is the way of the world working or should we instead make the World Fairness Agreement happen ASP? I just don’t want evil to be protected.”