
Depravity of the People and the Government is the Cause of the Insurrection

What’s the word that best describes our system of justice in the USA? The top of my list is injustice. Injustice best describes our justice system. My second pick is ignorance. My third choice is mafia. My fourth choice is depravity. My fifth choice is entropy. My 6th choice is degraded. My 7th choice is unstable.

This is an emergency for the people of the USA. It is absurd to the point that it is provoking rebellion and insurrection. We can remedy this problem. We must remedy it now. There is an adage that says to follow the money. What do we see when we follow the money? It is a racket. There are probably laws that could be applied. Then there would be dozens of appeals all of which line the pockets of the corrupted people involved. They would need to build more universities to create more attorneys and more authorities on our government. They would need more court rooms and offices. They would need more judges. They would need more police. The complication would be approaching the infinite. We need more doctors and psychiatrists to treat the disease that this insanity creates. It is an insanity that causes insanity. Is it so monstrous that humans are incapable of slaying it? No! We can correct this monstrous abomination. It is costing us a fortune. There is one word that applies to the correction of this nightmare. Fairness! We need to stop all that is unfair in any way. We need to simplify this system so that it has one purpose only and this purpose is to look into things to find the cause of the unfairness and then make it fair. We just need to stop unfairness in the people and in the government. This is justice for all and that is what they wanted in the first place before the corruption of law and order happened. 

We need unity of all the people. Fairness for all is the way to create this unity. We cannot require more than fairness from all of the people, but we also can stop at nothing less.

We need agreement on just what depravity is. It is defined as moral corruption and wickedness. We the people and others of “The Way of Fairness” believe the only sin is unfairness and the only morality is fairness. this is the only agreeable way to create unity of morality. Look what goes on in the Christian religion and it is clear that it is a failed religion because of this issue of what morality is and where it comes from. We believe morality is born within us. from evolution. It is our sense of fairness. We believe it is an objective truth and not a relative thing to particular religions or cultures. The base concept of fairness for all and fairness from all will correct all these added on ideas and beliefs that are creating wars and more unfairness.