
No Mercy, No Forgiveness Until You Join Us.

No Mercy, No Forgiveness Until You Join Us.

You will be prosecuted or punished by the laws of mankind if mankind chooses to punish you. The way of fairness works with the laws of mankind world wide. We are inviting mankind to join the way of fairness and there will be no punishment or prosecution. There will be forgiveness and mercy for all who join us.

If you have a better plan to create world prosperity let me know. I will join your idea. Otherwise join our idea unless you want disaster in your life that is human caused. This is not rocket science, it is a very simple idea.

Stop the insanity, Join us. We are the winning side. We do not want anyone to do you wrong or to be unfair to you. 

Humans have a common enemy that is destroying us all. It is unfairness from ourselves. Simply agree to be fair to everyone and we will protect you. We can temporarily stop all other arguments and make it happen. 

If you don’t want this, then suffer longer. Everyone is free to choose. Maybe you are right? I do not have a dog in the fight. I do not have skin in the game. The suffering we go through that is caused from our own choices is a teacher. I am a student. I am capable of learning. I am capable of admitting it when I am wrong. Maybe humans need to suffer from their own unfairness forever.