
King Kong Gong all Gone

Leaders of the world with unsurrendered egos defeated by us. They will join us by invitation. We are an army of nonviolent warrior Buddhas that are not here nor there. We are all gone and all powerful. All of which are gone gone gone beyond. Being practitioners of the void, we being that which is in the empty cup. We are zeros that are heroes. Shunyata to the rescue. We are these and those that are and are not. I won so we won. We all count the same. If I am king then so are you. But only if you are in the way of fairness. We are the globe of globalism. We are the sphere that is here. The way has been found. It is fair. We won. Join us we are the winning side. Remember the Stan that understood – Understand! One nation – no one world – under Stan. Understood. We got this.

Contempting the investigation of Herbert Spenser. They were racist so they lost. I am referring to his Social Darwinism. They evolved into the republican party in USA Herbert Spenser is intentionally mis-quoted in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. What is going on here. Were they trying to take over the world with Christianity or Satanism? Yup! Too late we just did.