
Justice for All

Justice for All

If we’re going to truly have justice, we’re going to have fairness. If we’re going to have justice for all, we’re going to have fairness for all. And if we’re going to have fairness for all, we’re going to have fairness from all. 

A definition of justice is – just behavior or treatment, concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people. Synonyms -Fairness, Justness, fair play, fair mindedness, equity

Is justice for all even possible? Well, we’re going to need to attempt to establish justice for all or we will never have justice for all. 

I think to make it happen we need to let everybody be free of punishment that agrees to make it happen because we were born into unfairness so we all did unfair things.

People think justice for all would be some kind of punishment upon them unless we let them be free of punishment. Justice has a bad name because we have not had justice yet. Justice should be the end of anyone doing you wrong. The key to getting the way of fairness to work is to let people be free of punishment for their past. This is why we want a transition day – before world fairness and after world fairness.  

Justice for all would be there’s no unfair competition for survival. Poverty is not justice for all. Wealthy people beheaded with the guillotine justice. Wealthy people being killed with the Marxist violent revolution is not justice. Justice would be rich people and powerful government people being free from punishment for their past. 

Historically, when the people get the power, they exploit others. We have had injustice world wide. The people that have the power now are exploiting others. This even happens in small groups like in schools. When the people overthrow one power, the new power then becomes unjust also. This is why we need a world fairness agreement. It’s all about an agreement to unite the world against injustice. 

Will it ever be possible to come up with such an agreement? Well, we have been talking about justice for all for a long time. Now it can really happen because of our communication and information technology. It is now possible to teach the whole world about the fairness agreement for the future happiness of all people.