
Is God Unfair or is it Just us? Equanimity or God’s Will?

Equanimity or God’s Will?

Is reality fair or unfair? What is reality?Is reality us? Are we reality? Are we fair or are we unfair? Is God fair or is God unfair? More and more people.Many people no longer believe that there’s a God that has conscious will about everything. In this way of thinking, every single thing that happens is God’s will. God is the events that are taking place so we can just surrender to the events that are taking place to surrender to God. 

There’s another spiritual practice. It’s called equanimity. One surrenders to everything that happens equally, whether it’s pleasure or painful. Or you could call it accepting everything that happens equally. The idea here is to stop fighting what is happening. What we resist persists. By being in acceptance of what is, we think clearly in order to make good decisions.

What if God is unfair? Or what if the totality of reality is unfair? If this is the case, we don’t want to surrender to it, we want to defeat it. This is the basic theme of Gnosticism. God is not fair, and they developed a new God that is fair. If you’re an atheist, this is simply about humans being fair or unfair. 

Religions talk about God’s perfect justice. For an atheist, this would be about cause and effect. 

Last night I was of the mind that everything is unfair and I was against everything. My uncompromising intention is to defeat unfairness. You can do what you want. We all do what we choose to do. 

I keep saying the same thing over and over again. Our world is polarized. We have this versus that, and we’re destroying ourselves with unfairness.The only polarization that will work is fairness defeats unfairness. I keep saying again and again and again that unfairness is our collective enemy. If all of us are fighting against unfairness, first of all within ourselves and then in others then we have World unity. Violent wars will stop. Hatred will stop. Poverty will stop. Crime will stop. Unfairness will stop and every one will be fair to everyone.