
If everybody agrees, how do we make fairness happen?

Killing people is not the solution to Unfairness. The Way of fairness is not violent.

If everybody agrees that the world fairness agreement will work if everyone makes the agreement, then why don’t we do it? If it is unfairness that causes war, crime , poverty, hatred and anger then all we need to do is stop the unfairness of one to another.

All wars will stop All crime will stop. All hatred will stop. All anger will stop. This is true if it is unfairness that is the cause of these things. 

If we all agree to not allow unfairness from one to another all that happens from unfairness would stop happening. 

We complain about these things happening in our world. We wish these things were not happening. We wish something would stop them from happening. What if we only need to stop allowing unfairness to happen and these things stop happening. 

If when we explain this then everyone agrees then we only need to get this idea to everyone and we need to have a plan that we all follow of what to do if anyone does something unfair to anyone else. 

What is our plan? What if we all tell the person that no one is allowed to be unfair to anyone anymore so stop being unfair to all of us, then we ask the person if they will stop it. Is this all we need to do? 

What if they won’t stop? Maybe they don’t like someone or they enjoy hurting someone? Maybe they feel powerful by being unfair to someone? Maybe they think everything is the other person’s fault? Maybe the other person is being unfair too? Maybe we are all being unfair to each other? Maybe they hate each other so bad they want to kill each other? Maybe we can get both of them to stop. Maybe they are ruining everyone’s life? 

Why did Putin and his country invade Ukraine? Let’s look at all the unfairness all the way back as far as we can go. Who started it in the first place? Was it just that everyone was being unfair to everyone else all the time? 

Why don’t we just kill the people that are unfair? Bill Bar? Yes, why not just start killing all the people that are being unfair to others? Can we do this if we want? If we have the ability to kill them and they blame us for it does it even matter to us that they blame us? 

Is it their fault that our laws are so stupid? Can we just kill the people that make our laws for being so stupid? 

Can’t we all just get along with each other without cheating others or taking more than our fair share? 

Killing them would not actually fix the problem that keeps happening and it is all from someone being unfair to someone. So, how do we get them to stop? 

We need help from the otters.