
Hypocrisy of Some Protestors

People are protesting to stop Global warming. They believe it is unfair for people to destroy the environment. Their position is based on unfairness. I agree with this. However, they must agree to not be unfair themselves or it is hypocrisy. If they want to save the environment, then they should be protesting against all unfairness and they should agree to be fair to everyone. We all should agree to be fair to everyone. If we did, we could solve all of the problems caused by unfairness. This is not hard to understand. I have concluded that humans do not want to be fair, they just want to get their own way. They want to get away with being unfair. We all need to unite and protest against unfairness. Many people want to be the boss, the Lord or the master. There can be only one master of all of us equally and it is fairness. Fairness needs to rule all. No one can defeat this argument for fairness because it would be unfair to argue against fairness for all and fairness from all.

This same reasoning applies to fascism, anti-fa, black lives matters, black lives don’t matter, white lives don’t matter, white lives matter, all lives matter, all lives don’t matter, make America great again, Trumpism, socialism, anti-socialism, communism, anti-communism, Marxism, anti-Marxism capitalism, anti-capitalism, unions, anti-unions, this land is your land, this land is not your land, etc.

Admit it – it’s just our God damn egos in the way and we all have one.