
What is Fundamental to Reality? Fundamental Theism, Panpsychism or Atheism?

A Comparison of Cosmic Fundamental Mind – Panpsychism – and Cosmic Fundamental no mind – atheism and theistic all-powerful, all-knowing creator.

If Cosmos is mind then Our fundamental ID is that mind that we all came from. It is an absolute. This explains Pk, PSI – paranormal mind. How does the individual experience this? 

If the cosmos is mindless except for our minds then our fundamental is no consciousness at all. except for the collective quantum entangled one mind that is fundamental to all minds but not to the cosmos. This one mind has an effect on the mindlessness of the cosmos. This also explains Pk, PSI – paranormal mind. How does the individual experience this? 

This is a fun area of inquiry as to our fundamental ID. Is it an identity or is it a non-identity? Or is it a super ID God the creator?

Mediation and devotional practices have been used for millennia to experience this fundamentality – whatever it is. I suspect it has something to do with the quantum entangled mind.

If our beliefs are not unfair to anyone, then this is just a “for fun” and just “for understanding” inquiry. It is harmless. Currently people are getting killed over something we have no “say so” in. We do not get to choose how truth is. Truth determines how we are. Why is there anything? Maybe we never can know.

Can we handle the truth without name calling? Some say we can’t handle the truth. I say I can, but name callers can’t.