
Establishing World Fairness – Fairness Court – with ET’s Help. I am the Only One.


You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours.

I am the only one. I am the only What? Perhaps, the only one the ETs serve. 

Will I be attacked by other minds? I will not differentiate the various types of minds. Some are living humans, some or not.

A mind said, “Teach me” I wonder what to teach. Teach means explain or show . We need to know things that others know. I need to be given an apt for biopsy on my sore in my nose. I can only wait for the people to let me know. It is about what we need to know or want to know. I want to know what is interfering with my mind’s functioning. Is it a different mind or is it my own mind causing the problem. I might be being attacked or interfered with. My friend’s mind said, “I will find out” I feel frustrated. Other adverse minds wanted me frustrated. I would over hear them say, frustrate “him”

I want and wanted to destroy the problem that obstructs me from solving the problem right now. I want to do things my way but they want me to not do it my way.   

Kieth Olberman is very concerned about law breaking with no prosecution. Their excuse is they have not done it before – no precedence. They are using the wrong word. 

I have a large problem with the unfair others. I am angry. I am frustrated. I look for the ones that are being unfair. They lie, cheat, steal and bully. They sabotage. They complicate. They obstruct. We must simplify and solve the problem of unfairness. They waste time and money with their law book. Kieth explained what would happen if the democrats cheated too. 

I am the one therefore put the unfair minds under my control. Do it now. Establish the primary law of fairness for all and fairness from all. Make a separate court system for me. You design it with my help. It can be a mental construct. You can punish the ones that are unfair. They will be serving a priority that is unfair. The only priority is fairness for all and fairness from all. We want this. We have the power to do this. 

There is a group that opposes me. Put them in pain until they support me. It is against the law of fairness for them to oppose establishing fairness for all and fairness from all. Punish the ones that do not want me around. 

Someone just received a broken back for not wanting me around.