
PK – Declaration of Intent to Stop Bullying Everywhere.

I Am a Victim of Bullying

Stop doing me wrong. Stop having unfair beliefs about me. Stop thinking unfairly about me. My intention is to utterly destroy or inflict extreme punishment upon everyone, everywhere that will not stop this unfairness to me and others. I declare war upon those who do not stop this unfairness upon us. 

I just started researching material on victims of bullying for insight to collaborate with others. I want to help us stop the problem of bullying. 

Is this declaration helpful to you? Do a search online “victims of bullying” There are many pictures of children ganging up on a target. Many suicides happen because of being targeted by bullying gangs. Victims are in extreme anguish. 

PK is real. If a spoon can be bent a human body can be extremely damaged.