
Pk – An Important Dream of Defeating Unfair Republicans.

I dreamed I was at a big gathering kind of like at school and it was Christian and Glenn Beck was going to be there. I’m telling them how angry I am at him because he lies and threatens my life by turning people against me. The dream shifts. I am hitting a person in the face that’s supposed to be my brother but actually it’s an enemy alien. It is begging me to stop because it has never been in a fight before. 

As I’m laying there in bed waking up I hear the others telling me telepathically that I’m going to be ganged up on right now as if they will come and barge in my house. They might be police. They say there are 2 of them. They are wanting me to not use violent thoughts against the source of the evil thoughts that try to control me. They’re actually trying to control me with threats that I will be harmed by them. I refuse to back down as I know I will win. 

I can see this dream coincides with the tide turning against the Republicans and the unfair religions. I realize how important it is to set the record straight about what is actually happening and what has actually happened in our lives and about all of our history as humans.