
An Imaginary Action to Stop Tormenting Thoughts – Help from the Otters

An Imaginary Action to Stop Tormenting Thoughts

I am tormented by adverse thoughts about imaginary things. It is very disturbing to not be able to stop these thoughts that appear to be coming from the others. I don’t even know for sure who or what the others are. 

I am having great success in stopping them or at least modifying the thoughts to something harmless to me. I choose to use violent thoughts directed at anyone that is not being fair to me. I agree to be fair to everyone. I am not violent. 

Apparently, this is about who is dominating the thoughts in my mind. Is it going to be me or is it going to be the others? Interestingly, the others protest my use of violent thoughts against them. It does not seem to matter that all of this is fiction. The others surrender to the fact that they cannot control me and my thoughts. 

I always assure the others that if they will agree to fairness, they will be forgiven and honored. I also use thoughts to let the others know I will be protecting them from unfairness. 

Many of the others are on my side and are now using this strategy themselves. 

These words and feelings I share with you now are very real. I am deeply grateful for anyone that is helping me to stop unfairness in our world.

I corrected a typo in which I had the words “the otters” instead of “the others.” So, I am calling them the otters from now on. Maybe it is otters doing it? We should put the unfair otters in jail.