
All Rulers and All People Must Surrender to Fairness.

All rulers must surrender to fairness. All people must surrender to fairness. All religions must surrender to fairness. All governments must surrender to fairness. The mind voluntarily surrenders to serving the heart. The heart is divine.The mind is the servant of the heart. It has been said the mind is a good servant, but a poor master. 

Our world as it is, is terrorized by controllers of the mind. They are not being fair, they are being selfish, self-centered, greedy, etc. We live in a world of unfairness. After the World Fairness Agreement, we will live in the world of fairness. All will serve fairness as the master, as the ruler, as the highest law. We all voluntarily choose to serve fairness as our ruler. We choose to care about everyone, to serve everyone, to protect everyone, and to help everyone. This is a rational decision based on evidence and logic. It is a decision based on reason. Our decision to serve fairness will eliminate war, hatred, anger, crime, cruelty etc. We are choosing to free our minds from our minds. We decide to stop being unfair to everyone and instead be fair to everyone, and in this way everyone is fair to us. We decide to stop doing wrong to everyone, and in this way everyone stops doing wrong to us. We decide to love everyone and in this way everyone loves us. When everyone decides to be fair rather than unfair, we will have no opposition. Everyone will surrender to being fair. 

You might wonder how we can agree on what fairness is. Fairness won’t ever be defined. It’s like the taste of salt. We all know what it is, but we will never be able to divine what it is. 

After one surrenders to fairness, one is forgiven of everything and granted mercy by all. Such a one will not be punished for their past. We all voluntarily stop unfair thoughts, unfair beliefs and unfair actions.

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