
Accept Everyone Exactly How They Are.

Just let them be them. Also accept yourself exactly how you are and just let yourself be. Care about them and care about you. Instead of dominating or changing them, protect them. Protect yourself and allow them to protect you also. All of us have been done wrong by others that were done wrong by others. It should not have happened to them, and it should not have happened to you.

If someone does you wrong just make sure you are being fair to them and ask the universe or God to stop them from doing you wrong.

If you do this practice of changing how you’re thinking you will see a miracle happen to the others around, you and to yourself. We do not need to do anything other than be here. There is nothing we need to achieve. We can enjoy it all or hate it all. We can enjoy being us and enjoy them being them or we can hate them, and we can hate being here as we hate ourselves for it.

Be the light in the darkness so people can find the way. Be the all. There is only one thing, and it is everything. It cannot be divided. So how can there be separate people and a separate God. How can there be a separate light that we go towards. It is yourself that you seek. It is you that is light. Forgive yourself for not knowing how. No one told us how.

You are the light. You are the truth. You are the way.

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