
A Fun Disagreement on What is Fairness

We could write a book on the topic of fairness from the post that I’ve already published on this website. It would be a very short book actually. 

No definition of fairness needed. Use 1 minute method in disagreements 

Fairness does not need to be defined. Everyone knows what it is. It might be fun to define what it is, but we don’t need to. The light does not need to be defined. Everybody knows what it is. It’s very interesting to me to define what light is and to understand what light is. I also think it’s very interesting to define and to understand what fairness is. When One begins this inquiry. One finds that there is an argument about whether there’s a God or not that creates what fairness is. I also find this to be a very interesting inquiry as to whether there is a God with all power or not. One more example. We all exist. Existence does not need to be defined in order to exist.It may not be possible to define it. All of us know what fairness is. 

It’s hard to make fairness happen because we all have distortion in our perceptions. So we can use the one minute method on disagreements about what is fair or not fair. When there are two people that are at a standoff on agreement of fairness then we involve more people into the conversation using the 1 minute method. 

It will be the most powerful alliance that determines what is fair in the argument of the 2 people in disagreement. Ultimately, it is power that rules. I argue that the power to rule comes from fairness itself. This will not be defined, nor does it need to be. I think it would be wonderful to have people attempt a definition. We would learn much in the process. 

An example of a disagreement of fairness is about the fact that humans are one of five great apes on planet Earth. Have a fun day, would you? I’m going to be monkeying around. 

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