My alien friend wants me to write this down: She wants me to answer the question of where did my furniture go?
I ran out of all my money once again for the 10th time – approximately. I would end up sleeping in my car. Since I had no income and had run out of all my money I would need to move the furniture out of the storage space that I had already moved the furniture into because I had lost my apartment because of having no money. This is when I made the painful decision to throw it all away. I had no time to try to sell it or to try to give it to someone else.
So, where did my furniture go? I threw it away. Do you understand that it is because of unfairness that I am living near poverty? I had not yet learned how to use the balance of fairness to bring about my own personal condition of wealth. I hope my wealth is on the way right now. If it happens it will be because of unfair people being punished.