
We Want to Exist Forever At Least Until Unfairness is Defeated.

Is there an afterlife? Who is the most powerful person or entity that does not want fairness? Is it Satan or is it God, or is it both? Is it the religions? Is it the governments? Is it some of the people, but not all of the people?

If you want fairness for everyone, you’re going to have to fight those that don’t. Those of us that do, need to unite so that we can defeat the ones that don’t want fairness for all.

We don’t know if there’s an afterlife? We want to continue existence to stop all unfairness. Just because we think that the afterlife is some certain way doesn’t mean that it is the way we think. Heaven and Hell might be much different than what we think it is. There may or may not be an afterlife. It doesn’t depend on what we think. There is a fact to all of this that’s not dependent upon our beliefs.

What we want most is victory over unfairness. We want it more than peace. We want it more than love. We want it more than anything else. Because we are willing to be fair to everyone, we will do anything for ourselves. This is the love we have for ourselves. Those who agree with us, we love as much as ourselves.