
We Need The World Fairness Agreement to Stop Climate Change Degradation.

We Need The World Fairness Agreement to stop climate change degradation. It is a fact that people will make the choices they think will benefit them. People are choosing to do things that are harmful to our environment because they want the security improved standard of living the money they get from it will provide. They are destroying the rainforests. They put greenhouse gasses in the air from all kinds of practices to make more money. 

The world fairness agreement will provide more wealth and security for them than they had before. They will be protected from others trying to destroy them. After transition day there will be worldwide fairness economics rather than competition economics. Everyone will be looking out for everyone. We will not be fighting each other and competing with each other for wealth and security.  Rather, we will be cooperating with each other and helping each other to acquire wealth and security. We have been struggling to gain the power to protect ourselves from others. The World Fairness Agreement will provide all of us with this protection in a much more powerful way. Cooperation is a much more competitive method than competition to gain wealth, power and security. 

Listen to the Podcast – Fairness Economics

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