
We Give Unfair People the Crap – Breath Mediation Teaching and Chant on YouTube

Breathing meditation to balance fairness. No one needs to be unfair to us. They need to stop.

On inhale think – “in with the goodness that’s ours”

On exhale think – “out with the crap that is theirs”

If you want to use the word “misery” rather than “crap” it will still work.

Repeat as long as necessary. Long slow deep breaths are best. Pause momentarily between inhale and exhale and again between exhale and inhale. Whisper the words as you breath.

Earlier as I was waking up a telepathic thought stated that I am not supposed to teach. This is my teaching in reply. The source of that thought gets the crap for being unfair to me. 

The phrase “suppose to” is incorrect in this usage. “Not to teach” is correct and “supposed to teach” is incorrect. 

I am “to teach” this breathing meditation because I say so. No one can stop me teaching this. I intend on continuing it after death – eternally. Anyone that tries to stop me is unfair and will get the crap. I am a teacher that defeats all evil. We do not need anyone being evil. Evil is unfairness. That is all it is. Fairness is a thing because we are. Fairness exists because of the fact that is us. It is a fact that we exist. We are “the way of fairness.”

There are only 2 kinds of people, the group that agrees to fairness for all and fairness from all and those that don’t agree. They either agree or they disagree and therefore they are unfair people. All fair people agree with fairness from everyone and fairness for everyone.

We can use the – give unfair people the crap – as a chant as well as with a breath mediation. We use the very same words but say them as a chant. You can chant it alone or in a group.

In with the goodness that’s ours. Out with the crap that is theirs.