
The Only Way to Be Free

Unfair Rulers Want to Take Us Over

The only way to stay free or to get free in an unshakable, undefeatable and permanent way is to convince all humans to agree to be fair to all humans. 

There is a division in the world between the free world and those that are not free. People in the USA are continually rallying around the idea they became free and that they will fight for their freedom to stay free. Originally the USA created its government to establish justice for all. Justice for all is fairness for all. 

The USA has the most powerful military in the world. It is not designed to fight against unfairness from corruption of the rule of law. The USA is not free from fear of nuclear war. The World Fairness agreement is the only way to free us from that fear. 

The common issue is unfairness as the single problem in humanity. We do not need to overthrow Marxist communist states. We just need to convince them to join the way of fairness. We don’t need to destroy religions that want to take over the world. We just need to convince them to join the way of fairness.

The power of unfairness is the power of evil. It is failing to stop me from speaking this message to the entire world. Transition to the way of fairness needs to happen in all governmental powers worldwide. This will make all existing and future leaders or rulers heroes to all people. The world will become a free world. No violence or force will be used. Nothing unfair will be done to anyone to bring this about.