
They Harm USA, They do Not Harm Me. They are Harming Themselves.

I am not the USA. I am the all-powerful all. After USA has destroyed itself. I will still be the all-powerful all. Maybe this post will wake them up. Other people do not harm me. They harm themselves. Those that do me wrong will be punished by the all-powerful all. I do not do anything.

There is the ego self that lives and dies and suffers from unfairness from others. Also, we can identify as being the all-powerful all that our ego self is just an aspect of. None of them will get out of this alive. We all die as humans. Death makes all of us surrender. My ego self takes no action against those that harm it. This is because I trust the totality that I emerged from. It is better at protecting me than I am.

It appears to me that the people of USA are losing their minds. Is this by design? Perhaps it is. USA needs the way of fairness. It is their unfairness that is destroying the USA. I am speaking in generality. Not all of the USA is unfair. The power of fairness is humanities only hope worldwide.