
There’s a War Against Beneficial Globalism and George Soros

There’s a war against beneficial globalism. In the USA it is allied with Christianity. Christianity wants globalism but it must be the globalism that forces everyone to surrender to Jesus. The Bible says it’s the way of the sword and that Jesus came to bring about this war. Islam is comparable to Christianity in this way. It’s a case of the same shit with a different shovel. Interestingly, there is a book out now.That explains how the word Idol originally meant shit.  The book explains how the deities came from figures made of clay or whatever, and someone else said that those people are worshiping shit. Apparently, this was a way to put the other people’s beliefs down. The book’s title is: My God Isn’t Shit. by Francesca Stavrakopoulou PHD. There is a video on YouTube “Myth Vision” by the same title. 

Obviously we need a worldwide beneficial globalism to stop the insanity of religions trying to kill each other. Tyrannical leaders are either for or against these religions in their quest to dominate the world. The destructive leaders use violence to create their empires and force others to surrender to their group using wars and deceitful coercion. 

Glenn Beck’s Program is an example of what I’m talking about. They have demonized George Soros and his Open Society Foundation because it is non Christian and global. The Open Society Foundation is pro democracy and seeks to create democracies worldwide. 

My hope is that we can unite everyone worldwide with the World Fairness Agreement. Democracy is a government system that seeks to create fairness. With the “World Fairness Agreement” and “The Way of Fairness” people will be forgiven and not prosecuted for being born into this insanity of unfairness where one tribe is trying to destroy or unfairly dominate the other tribe. This unfairness is the cause of human hatred. We need to get these ideas to everyone worldwide with a quickness.