
The Truth is Humans Hurt Each Other

Truth is what things are. A rock is truth. A cloud is truth. People are truth. Dogs and cats are truth. Babies are truth. The sun is truth. Light is truth and dark is truth. Philosophers cannot understand this because they use too many words.

I have the idea that books are not going to help me explain the way of fairness. Perhaps a pamphlet would be helpful. If the pamphlet worked as planned then people would make copies and give one to everyone and then we would have transition day, and everyone would agree to stop hurting each other – to stop being unfair to others – so then everyone would be fair to you. That would be good because people hurt you and you hurt people. This is true for everyone.

We can explain this to everyone without a pamphlet if everyone has access to this post and website or everyone can just tell everyone this in person – that we realized we are hurting each other so we want to all agree to stop hurting each other. It will be against our rule to hurt others. Also, we will all protect you from anyone hurting you. This is what we want to make happen. The is the way of fairness.

When someone agrees to stop being unfair to us – unfairness is what hurts us – we forgive them and honor them and protect them from unfairness from others because it is us that is hurting us.

Do you want to know the truth? A rock is the truth. A cloud is the truth. And so on. It is difficult to accept the truth that truth is bigger than we are. Truth is right and we are wrong – unless we accept the truth. Truth is more powerful than we are. Truth is more powerful than all of us put together. Truth is what we serve when we are thinking correctly. We stop fighting the truth and serve it instead.

This is the deal of the way of fairness. The truth is I will agree to stop hurting you if you will agree to stop hurting me?