
Selfish Republicans Are Not Understanding They Are Their Own Enemy

The Disgusting Irony of the Republicans and Corporate Democrats.

Several years ago, there was a concern about the spotted Owl becoming extinct. The logging industry was not allowed to cut down those trees where the Owls lived. The predecessor of what became MAGA complained because their way of making a living was being threatened – as if this is the only way they could survive in the wealthiest nation on earth.

The same argument is going on now with the coal mines. What’s at stake on Planet Earth is a lot more than just one species of owl. People are rapidly depleting our planet of rainforests. The rainforests have been called the lungs of our planet. They want more ground to graze cattle on so we can have more hamburgers.  

I just stir fried some vegan food. The meal cost $3. Tofu ginger garlic broccoli red curry powder, Lots of vegan oil, red pepper, salsa and soy sauce. It can be eaten as a burrito or with hamburger buns or just as is. It actually tastes much better than a hamburger. It is proven to be more healthy. 

Many of us in the Democratic Party want to have the USA make a government similar to the European social democracies. With this kind of progressive government, when a person’s job has become obsolete, they would have funds and training available so that they would be better off than before. 

It is disgustingly ironic that it’s the Republican Party that won’t let us create a Social Democratic Progressive Democracy. It is disgustingly ironic that it’s the Republican Party that would let someone practically starve to death when they lose their job.  It’s even more despicable that the Republican Party uses deception when talking about these things. They lie about the rest of the world. They blame the rest of the world for trying to defeat them. They want to turn white Americans against the rest of the world. Republicans want to rule the world.

Republicans are going to be in big trouble if they keep being unfair to the rest of the world with their ridiculous lies. They are making enemies of everyone else. We would all benefit from a progressive democracy in the USA. Also, we desperately need The World Fairness Agreement. The Corporate Democrats are against it. Greed and selfishness are still endangering planet earth.