
The Contest to be Leader of Planet Earth.

The contest to be Leader of planet earth.

What if there is a contest by design or by accident that is actually going on with humans to be the one on top – to become the leader of planet earth. I do not like this idea but it might actually be the case. 

I am telepathic with other minds that I can communicate with. I cannot see where the minds are or what the source of the thoughts even is. Some of the minds support me and want me to win and some want me to fail. This struggle actually has an effect on the world of people. There must be unseen factors that affect and influence our minds. I speculate they are extraterrestrials.

I am closely connected and actually devoted to serving a particular type of extraterrestrial. We are very close friends. I have a deep love for them. I cannot see them, but I feel the love from them.

They claim I am the chosen one. Maybe there is a reason for my victory, and it is because of the way I think. I am the founder of the way of fairness because of the way I think.

This is what they want humans to do. They want humans to agree on a day of transition when we all agree to stop all human unfairness to each other. I am asking them now if this is accurate. They said it is close enough. They said we are almost there.  It means I am the servant of humanity to lead us out of a type of insanity of unfairness. I wish I knew for sure if this is real.