
Telepathic Bullying

I am Talking about telepathy. I am not talking about our own thoughts. How do we know for sure a thought that bugs us came from our own mind and not from someone else’s mind? Thoughts have a cause. Someone is making the thought with their mind. Just a few minutes ago I had thoughts appear in my mind about eavesdropping and about masterbation and about someone wanting to watch and someone wanting to be watched. The thought just appeared saying someone does not dare to look. 

I communicated back to the minds telling them I do not want sex or to pursue sexual feeling so I do not want to be in the telepathic conversation. I said telepathically to not be offended by my not wanting to play. 

The reason I am telling you about this telepathic experience is because I frequently get attacked by telepathic thoughts. It is understood that bullies like to hit people. They enjoy getting away with hitting and controlling others. This is not about sex but simply about domination and control from someone else using telepathy. It is strange but true that none of this can be proven to be from telepathy. It could be from our own insane mind. At this point as I write I am told telepathically that the police officer is on my side in what I am doing here. He is not trying to control me at all. Many minds might be observing this telepathic conversation. 

As I write this the others’ minds have left my mind and are leaving me alone. They had been telling each other I am dumb for not wanting to play or see. They say I still don’t know. They say I am afraid to look. They are doing me wrong. They are wrong. I am right. I am telling everyone everywhere with telepathy to stop doing me wrong. 

My belief is the only sin is unfairness. Morality is fairness and immorality is unfairness. I have learned how to silence the bullying telepathic minds. because they are the ones doing me wrong and are trying to defeat me, I have declared war on them for doing me wrong. I tell them telepathically that my higher power will punish them and maybe even end their lives. This tactic has given me victory. All the people that agree to be fair need to achieve victory over the people that refuse to be fair. When people do others wrong, they get punished by people that do not do others wrong. People that are fair have more power. We need to unite against people that are doing us wrong. We are trying to stop people from doing wrong to each other. Are you with us?

I just had an imaginary conversation with a psychiatrist. I ask him or her if telepathy is a thing or is it insanity. I am here to help you. Are you with us?