
Paranormal Poop – Not at My Expense

Paranormal Poop – Not at My Expense

Dreamed Jeffrey Mischlove sees unexplainable poop on the floor. He’s begging for it to stop. Jesus is going to die for his son. Jeffery is very emotional. Something is very wrong to him or hurtful to him.

When I was a young man or close to becoming a man. I will say I was a young man, my older brother was doing me wrong by not allowing me to stand up to him. I wrote him a letter telling him that I will not protect him at my expense. This meant I would not keep his abuse upon me secret for him. Past issues need to be resolved so we can let it go and get on with our life. We needed to have a man to man talk about it all. He needed to tell me he would not do me wrong anymore. He would not do this nor has he yet told me this. 

I was so mad at him that  I actually pooped on the seat of his truck. Years go by and the problem is still with me and Intrusive thoughts about the past won’t stop. 

Paranormal Poop

There have been several instances when poop has appeared out of nowhere. I remember on Saturday Night Live – the weekly comedy show, they had a skit about Gassquatch. This is a play on words about sasquatch, the mythological manlike animal that has not been proven to exist. This skit was quite funny. Poop would appear out of nowhere and the people said it was Gasquatch that did it.  

I am hearing telepathically that people are afraid of Sasquatch. They want me to post this document that I now write. The paranormal is scoffed at to some degree by skeptical people. PK is one of the super human abilities that is being researched by paranormal researchers. Jeffery Mischlove is the only person to be granted a Doctor’s degree in paranormal psychology. He has an ongoing interview program that started as “Thinking Allowed” Now it is named New Thinking Allowed. It is on Youtube. He interviews people on his show. PK is psychokinesis. Things like spoon bending or causing fires, tornadoes, UFOs, etc with the mind. I suppose an answered prayer is PK. Voodoo curses are PK

There was an incident where my friend came to my place to visit, and he has a dog with him. His dog pooped in the doorway while we were not looking. My friend said he was sorry. I felt a strange shift in the ambience. Then suddenly it was a different world where the dog did not poop in the doorway.

Here is a picture of me with T shirt that has emblem of Sasquatch